When you've lost

And when you've lost them...
When they've slipped through your grasp which continued to tighten as they fell.
People tell you "there are other fish in the sea." 

And it's so hard not to look them in the eye and grasp them by the shoulders and shake them like your voice is shaking when you tell them, "Oh but he was my sea. He was my ocean. No fish can replace the ocean."

And when he was the ocean he reached out to the moon as he inhaled with his tide but in same breath he exhaled and ran to sand. In the same moment he reached out to me he embraced the land, because his 70% can embrace her 30% but I can only pull him to me so far. 

And a pull can only do so much, because even as I pull him to me he'll hesitate and pull away. Yet he has the audicty to tell me there was love in his delay.


  1. 3 months of kissing, hugging, being around each other, and not many "i love you"s. You were in love with Him (even though you never admitted it.) Whose love was really in delay...?

  2. If you judge love based on words I pity you


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