
We were lost.

was lost.

Each mile I became more and more frustrated because things never seem to fall into place.

There was a wreck on the road. We had to take a detour. How fitting.

You insisted on helping me but I refused it. I didn't need your help anymore. At least, that's what I was trying to prove.

I am stubborn.
I am independent.
I lost.

But I found my way because after so many turns and flips and miles everyone eventually finds a way to get there.

We walked into the garden in a stony silence. You hopped onto the railing and I placed my arms on either side of you. The words slipped out "tell me why?"

We fought.
I pushed and you pulled away.

We were caught in this endless game of give and delay.

We left and more words slipped from my tongue "are you happier?"

You said yes and my mind forgot to remind my heart that I am not affected by the storm. 

So my heart was swept away and I wondered why you it was impossible for you to just try when you were mine. All I wanted was a little effort. A little sweat instead of tears. Why couldn't you try and be happy when I smiled at you.

We got into the car and I wrote a heading for me and filled in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and a little lower drew a 6.

I silently turned on the car.

I was ruining all the happy moments I had been given with my insistence of this impossible quest.

I turned Taylor Swift a little louder.



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