
I'm in a metal bird flying across the sky,
The sky is both above me and below me,
Nothing is real anymore.

Humans can make anything they want,
Life and death.

Can we make love though?

Roll the windows down with me and drive through the canyon,
Let the wind pull your hair,
Sting your lips. 

The wind won't love you and leave you,
It'll always come back.

And stinging lips and pulled hair don't hurt so much when they come back.

I know a boy who sometimes closes his eyes when he drives alone on the freeway,
But he still makes me wear my seatbelt in the car.

And he doesn't know it but sometimes I drive really fast at night and think about just letting go of the wheel.

I never do though,
My grip is tighter than ever,
I dont know how to let things go.

I wish I didn't go sometimes,
I don't know where I am.

I'm spinning in circles,
I'm a compass needle looking for north.

And if only I could find a star to follow,
But the sky is dark and the stars are gone.

They all packed up and went home,
Tired of telling stories no one listened to,
Tired of showing the way when no one followed.

So I'm spinning in circles yelling stories.

Hoping maybe they'll come back.

Where is home?
Where is he?

I'm tipsy from spinning,

My heart hurts again,
Trying to keep time with my thoughts which are racing.
Sometimes it skips like an old record player played too many times,
I remember when I placed my lips against your chest and whispered a secret to your heart who had a habit of stopping.

I wonder if it remembers it?

Mine does.

If all the stars are gone what is there left to reach for?

I'm still spinning
Fast enough that I might disappear

My eyes are closed and I've found the stars,
They're beneath my eyelids.

And maybe if I never open them I can stay among the stars.
I'm driving fast on the freeway,
Eyes still closed,
Racing towards the stars.

An oncoming car.

Objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear.

Heartbreak may be closer than it appears,
And the stars just might not be what you thought they were.

Nothing is real anymore.


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