I read your post on Thursday

You're scattered...and I'm not.

I'm constantly at a stop light,
Getting mixed signals.

Stop and go,
maybe just slow.

It's wearing out my break pedals and my heart.

You started writing me only to stop.
I'm in an endless dance of you pulling me closer and pushing me away,
Spinning in and out isn't so fun when you have nothing to focus on or hold onto.

Dancers do something called spotting when they twirl, it allows them to turn without getting dizzy.

But you haven't given me anything to focus on, or a finger to hold onto.

Don't dip me if you don't plan on bringing me back into your arms. The floor and I have met way too many times.

If forgetting is what you need to do, to be happy, please do.
Just don't pull me down memory lane if you're not willing to accompany me down it.

The thing with the nightmares is the longer they happen the less scary they are.
If you know what's coming next it doesn't send your heart into free fall,
But I need to know what's coming next.

I really do miss you.



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