Galaxy of Sadness

Someone once compared being sad to drowning in the ocean
The waves crash over your head
It fills your lungs
Drags you under

and no matter how hard you try


But to me it's f l o a t i n g through space
Nothing can touch you
Nothing can ground you
You're left alone 
Spiraling through the never ending atmosphere of your sadness and thoughts.


And I think that's what scares me most....

I rather drown in an ocean of tears; for the waves drag me under and fill my lungs with briny salt water.
Than f l o a t aimlessly u-n-t-o-u-c-h-e-d and                    , left alone with my human consciousness.

So please let me sink into an ocean of sadness, with the waves watching each struggling breath.
Because being left alone with my wandering thoughts
They lose me further in the galaxy of sadness,                        and u-n-t-o-u-c-h-e-d.
So far away like the millions of stars that fill the black sky.

Wished on, but never touched.

Never held in the hands of a lover
Or Kissed lightly and loved deeply

Admired but isolated 

And to me there's nothing worse than being seen but remaining alone.


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