For my fighters

Hey little fighter,
I know you're drowning in an ocean of tears,
And you're struggling to learn how to swim.
I know your life is a mess of tangled Christmas lights,
When you get one colored bulb to light up another goes out.
I know you're wrestling with your exhaustion,
And you keep getting pinned.

And it's okay.

Maybe quit trying to swim, float on your back awhile.
Gaze up at the strikingly blue sky, that wavers like a mirror reflecting the deep blue sea.
Maybe quit trying to untangle the lights and watch them flicker in a beautiful mass of uncertainty.
Maybe quit wrestling with your exhaustion and lay down with it instead,
Let it trail it's fingers through your hair and rock you to sleep,
And when you awake it'll be gone from your bed like a one night lover.

Hey little fighter,
I know you're trying.
I know it's hard.
And it's okay, to take a break.


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