I am filled with pink promises with crossed fingers behind my back
I've got more death wishes than dreams 
and I write suicide notes on the back of to do lists
and laugh at the irony 
I lean over railings and walk curbs like they're tight ropes
Sometimes I lay upside down on my bed to feel all the blood rush to my head
and I wonder how much blood the human body holds
and it makes me dizzy but then I sit up and it all fades
and I wish I could just sit up and this would all fade

I'm always crying and crying and crying
I don't know how to stop
I store water in the well of sadness deep inside me
I've broken my heart open a thousand times for people
who weren't even thirsty
and so the water just continues to spill over the sides
maybe we'll enter a drought 

I think about heartbreak and how you can actually die from it
and wonder if I will when I feel it every time
and how is it that my god damn heart is so resilient 
I feel it break and bend
But it still beats like it's a boxer in the ring

it's pretty bloody and beaten,
wrapped around the ropes
someone please tell it that it doesn't have to fight anymore 

I'm a lover not a fighter
but I've fought the one I love
and I'm bruised and broken in the ring
I think love shouldn't hurt this much


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