20 things I've learned

happy 20th to me

1. The words "I love you" means different things to different people.
2. Forever isn't as long as some people would like to believe.
3. Your body doesn't belong to anyone but yourself.
4. Broken hearts heal, they hurt like hell while doing it, but they heal.
5. Home isn't always a place but sometimes a person.
6. Times changes everything.
7. Everybody moves on.
8. Loving yourself is okay.
9. Putting yourself first is okay.
10. Saying no is okay.
11. You can only complete yourself.
12. Sometimes people aren't who you think they are.
13. Sometimes you feel like someone will never love you in that way again, but you realize that maybe that way wasn't good anyway.
14. It's okay to let people go.
15. I am allowed to make mistakes.
16. Life gets better
17. My heart can be filled in so many ways
18. I love poetry but sometimes it doesn't love me
19. Promises get broken
20. Love is real


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