
On April 9, 1865 General Lee of the confederate army surrendered at Appotomax Court. Four years of heartache, death, and bloodshed had come to an end with a white flag stained red.

But 584 miles away in Alabama a battle raged on unaware that the white flag had been waved in the air.

Many men continued to wage war on the other side because they weren't told that the angry blood had run cold. 

They continued to kill, continued to seal their brothers fates with Death. 

A ghostly figure dressed in black weeping over the boys turned to men never to be brought back.

Life, another ghostly figure dressed in white, cried out across the field to Death.

"This theft!"

Time ran out like blood from their veins. In vain. In vain. In vain.

If you think their sacrifice was noble and herioc, than you make me sick.

They were too deep in the blood, too blinded by their cause, too deaf to hear the surrender.

They didn't have to die.

And it's been stated before that love is just a game. Some board game with a strategy, where you can see the enemy. You can capture pawns and knights, hold them ransom until you win.

But I'm telling him, I'm telling you that love is not a game.

It's a god damn war.

Each moment is a battle.

But I was too caught up in a single moment, to realize you had fallen to the oponent. I was entrenched in the war, lost in your eyes, so I didn't feel it when you slowly began to die.

I didn't feel the surrender in your delay, when my lips reached to embrace yours, and you almost pulled away.

I didn't feel the bullets rip through my chest, when the silence slowly progressed.

I didn't feel myself bleed out when your hand hesitated to hold mine, because it would never be too late. Band aids fix bullet holes with a little time.

They tell you love is a battlefield but never include the body count and wounds.

And I didn't tell you,

But my wounds were from the war,

And my lips held the words I love you when they brought me to the floor.

With a bleeding and broken heart I refuse to surrender even when I die,
Because I love that boy who held me everytime I cried.

I can't and won't give up on him.
Even if I never win.

I will fight my endless battle, turn in infinite circles because one day you might step inside.

One day you might hand me the red stained flag and say "I didn't lie."

But I'll keep turning and turning with a promise to let you in, ignorant of the fact that I may never win.

Sometimes I forget that you surrendered me to the abyss with a rushed desperate kiss.

You et me float aimlessly around looking for my gravity.

But I guess all this doesn't matter, because I'm just another casualty. 
And on my gravestone it will read: The Girl Who Didn't Leave.

And in tiny letters will inform you that the cause of death WASNT love, but the lack thereof.


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