
Showing posts from April, 2015


On April 9, 1865 General Lee of the confederate army surrendered at Appotomax Court. Four years of heartache, death, and bloodshed had come to an end with a white flag stained red. But 584 miles away in Alabama a battle raged on unaware that the white flag had been waved in the air. Many men continued to wage war on the other side because they weren't told that the angry blood had run cold.  They continued to kill, continued to seal their brothers fates with Death.  A ghostly figure dressed in black weeping over the boys turned to men never to be brought back. Life, another ghostly figure dressed in white, cried out across the field to Death. "This theft!" Time ran out like blood from their veins. In vain. In vain. In vain. If you think their sacrifice was noble and herioc, than you make me sick. They were too deep in the blood, too blinded by their cause, too deaf to hear the surrender. They didn't have to die. And it's been stated before that love is just a game...


I swore I could never hate you, And to this day and moment it's still true. But when you let me leave like that, With a sob caught in my throat and shaking hands. When I rushed to the door and hit a desk on my way out. All you did was watch. All I needed was you to chase after me and tell me that you still cared. That this hurt you too. But as always you were too calm and too detached. Someone else chased after me. Someone I barely knew caught my arm in the hallway and led me to their car. Someone else let me cry into their shoulder. Someone else laughed with me at that hiccup I make when I cry too hard. Someone else pushed my hair away from my tear stained face. Someone else cared. And I was so close to hating you in that moment because I still wanted that someone to be you.

The difference

"You just wanted a hand to hold, I wanted yours." -ten words that explain the difference of you and me


"You've stopped telling me not to apologize, so I'm sorry."-another ten word story


I knew I was losing you when I started losing myself, I felt each piece slowly fade away. I began to feel empty, as you began to forget me. But I don't regret the pieces I gave you, I lost them because I couldn't save you.


I stopped telling you stories, and you didn't even notice. -a ten word story