
I'm afraid.

Terrified, really.

I've got fears bottled and lining my shelves like numerous beauty products.
Donning and dabbing and adorning one or maybe all everyday.

To be honest, I'm scared to tell you I'm scared.
Because often I'm told you're too young, too brave, too strong to be afraid.

Like my braveness or strength or longevity take away the fact that, sometimes, I'm afraid to take a breath because what if it doesn't return?

You might just laugh, shake your head, ponder about the morbidity of such a lovely girl.

But things leave, people leave and you wont expect it.

You'll wake up one day and it'll be gone.
You can wake up and all of the sudden the air doesn't want to return to your lungs.
You'll lie there gasping waiting for it to return but it refuses.

Then you'll understand as your lungs ache and long for it's sweet fragrance that life has a fragility in even the most constant things.

I'm terrified of life,
and I know you are too.

We wear our fears like decorations.

And shy away in fear when someone tells "I love you"
Because who can love someone with so many fears?

Who can love a girl who clings and cries and pushes you away only to pull you back because she's afraid?

Perhaps a boy who yells, lies, shakes his head and hides away because he's terrified.

She's afraid of being left, abandoned.
He's terrified of her leaving, running away.

She's always been so good at running.

But who couldn't love someone who displays their fears with such bravery?

Theres something beautiful in complete bravery in the face of fear.

And one day you'll find someone whose fears compliment yours.
They'll call it love.

Isn't that terrifying?


  1. That was beautiful. Everything just flowed and worked well together, great post!


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