
The storm is brewing in the sky.
Hear the thunder yell its angry cry.
The inky dark clouds leave the world in gray,
As the world beneath my feet begins to sway.
The raindrops streak through the sky,
Leaving me to wonder why I can’t cry?
You are gone…gone without a trace
and without you I have no place.
The world selfishly took you from me
Swallowing you up like the red sea.
Ripping your love from my grasp
But deep inside I knew it could not last
So I here I stand crying out my tale of woe
While the grief in my heart overflows
The line of death is one I cannot cross
So here I will remain, stricken with your loss
I love you I love you I love you…I whisper to the rain
Hoping you can hear those words as I whisper them again and again


  1. I love your writing! I think I've told you that a zillion times but still! I haven't read your blog in forever it seems like because I've been so busy so I'll have to catch up!

    1. I really appreciate you reading them! It means so much to have my stuff read and commented on


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