You don't need to love me

Just a little disclaimer, this post was inspired by my best friend Ardon, who was inspired by the song "You Don't Need to Love Me" from the musical If/then. Basically there was a lot of inspiration.


You don't need to love me.

Let me rephrase that, I don't need you to love me.

And let me tell you why,

There once was a girl with the forest trapped in her eyes who fell in love with a boy who had the sky in his.

So the forest within her reached out to the sky within him, with stretching arms desperate to stroke the sky. 

And so she stretched and reached and let herself believe that she was the one who held up the sky and he was the one who kept her warm at night wrapping himself between her branches. 

And he told her that he loved her whether her branches were decorated or barren.

Because he was in love with her skeleton, the things she was built from.

But he changed and so did she. We often do. He fell in love with her green, her liveliness. 

Winter came, and the liveliness went. All that was left was her bones shaking in the wind. Yet she still believed he loved her because her foundation still stood.

But his blue turned to gray as he turned away. She was different. 

And it was a long time until she realized that he was too.

She also realized some other things.

He didn't need her love, and that's okay. He held himself up. Her greedy branches pulled him to herself but he couldn't stay. He needed to chase the sun at the end of each day.

The hardest realization was she didn't need him to love her. She wanted his love, but she didn't need it. 

She would grow despite the sky. Her rings would grow in number despite him.

I don't need anyone to love me.

Because I love me.

I love the way I laugh, the way I smile, how easily I blush, the way I talk to people, my easy excitement at everything and anything, the white spot in my cheek, the way my hair curls in the rain.

I love me.

And at the end of the day that's who I'm left with.

Who I start with.

Each breath until the last.

So I don't need you to love me, because I love me.

And I'll love me more than I love anyone else.

I think that's pretty damn great.


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