
Showing posts from June, 2017


153 days since my last nightmare, 114 days since I last talked to you, 7 days since I last cried, 5 days until you last crossed my mind, until now. I never liked numbers, But I don't mind these ones. The bigger they grow the happier I am.


You don't love me, You just don't want to be alone, Or maybe I was good for your ego. Or maybe I made you feel better about your life and what's missing from it. But you don't love me, because you don't destroy the people you love. And if you loved her you wouldn't chase after me, Learn to love someone other than yourself, Because if you're not careful that's all you'll be left with.


I drove by the 7/11 we went into the night of prom, You bought three kinds of juices, And four kinds of watermelon gum because you knew it was my favorite. It's a run down 7/11 hidden in Salt Lake City and you can't really find it unless you're not looking. It's 5:32 and I'm hitting the gas pedal a little harder, Because memories only belong in my rear view mirror. Behind me, Never in the passenger seat. Gas stations are only for getting gas, Juice is only for breakfast, And watermelon gum is too sweet.